Tuesday, December 27, 2011




This is how the Quran prescribes the restrictions on the consumption of food in Surah 5:3:-

Hur-rimat alaikumul mai-tahu wal dam-maa walahmul khin-ziri wa-ma-uhil-la li-ghyoi-ril-lah bihi. Wal-mun-’haani-qotu wal mutarad-diyatu wal- nathee-hatu wamaa-akalas sa-buhu il-la ma-zakaitum wa-ma-zubiha ‘alan nusubi wa-antas-taksimu bil-azlam

As I understand it, khin in Arabic means rotten, stinking or bad, and ziri means that you see. In view of this, I am of the opinion that khinziri does NOT refer to pig or swine but decaying or decayed meat, so that when we translate 5:3 we get:

Prohibited to you the carrion, blood, the decaying meat, and that over which any name other than God’s has been pronounced. The animal that was strangled to death, and the animal that was struck dead by an object, and the animal that died by falling from a height, the animal that was gored to death, and animals partially eaten by beasts unless you rescued them alive. And those sacrificed to idols and those distributed by lots. All these are wicked. 

I believe the prohibition refers not to the species of animal but rather to the nature and condition of the food. Besides, having created the pig or swine among the many domestic animals, why would God then prohibit us from eating its meat? Also the Quran does allow you to hunt wildlife, and it doesn’t say wild boars are prohibited game. 

So, is khinziri pig meat or decayed meat? 

What do you think, and why?

Also, please look at the next verse, 5:4: -

Yas-aloonaka matha ohilla lahum qul ohilla lakumu alttayyibatu wama AAallamtum mina aljawarihi mukallibeena tuAAallimoonahunna mimma AAallamakumu Allahu fakuloo mimma amsakna AAalaykum waothkuroo isma Allahi AAalayhi waittaqoo Allaha inna Allaha sareeAAu alhisabi

They consult you concerning what is lawful (halal) for them; say, "Lawful (halal) for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you." You train them according to GOD's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention GOD's name thereupon. You shall observe GOD. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.

5:4 is very important; it is the ultimate test of halal. 

They ask you what is halal?
Say 'Halal for you are all the good things'.

So if it is good for you, then it is halal. Isn’t Allah a genius? I think only the aboriginals appreciate this type of simplicity.

Yas-aloonaka matha ohilla lahum qul ohilla lakumu alttayyibatu wama AAallamtum mina aljawarihi mukallibeena tuAAallimoonahunna mimma AAallamakumu Allahu fakuloo mimma amsakna AAalaykum waothkuroo isma Allahi AAalayhi waittaqoo Allaha inna Allaha sareeAAu alhisabi

They consult you concerning what is lawful (halal) for them; say, "Lawful (halal) for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you." You train them according to GOD's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention GOD's name thereupon. You shall observe GOD. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.

What do you think, and why? 


Friday, December 9, 2011

Threats I got from EDIP YKSEL

Just got this message and a threat from this guy.. who the hell is this guy????

Edip Yuksel
Dear QuranVs Hadith, Please send me an email with your real identity. Otherwise, I willl start an investigation against you. Peace. Edip Yuksel
 ·  ·  · 3 hours ago
  • Saeed Talpur likes this.
  • 50 of 107
    • Edip Yuksel Okay.. Since it is you who wants me to publicize the letter I recieved. Here it is.
      21 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel Brother Edip,

      I’m sending you a grave message because I believe that you are one of few people who can help me God willing to expose a con-artist who pretends to be a Quranist on the web but really is abusing this deen as a means to attain money.

      I have heard this story myself from a good friend whom I have met on the free-minds forum. I will not reveal her name for privacy reasons but what I can tell you is that I believe what she says.

      This fellow (QuranVsHadith) is not a Quranist.

      Here is his facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/QuranVsHadith?sk=wall

      Here is this youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/quranvshadith

      Watch some of his videos and tell me if this person isn’t a poser or not. Obviously for someone experienced in QA studies we both can see the truth but NOT FOR THOSE WHO ARE NEW TO THE QA STUDIES ESPECIALLY THE ONES WHO HAVE NO ISLAMIC BACKGROUND!!!!! My friend was put in a terrible position where she didn’t know what was correct and what wasn’t

      Because of his manipulative nature she was persuaded to give him a lot of her hard earn money to him because he said that his family was poor and that he needed it(which later on when she started to catch on after four months she found out that he was lying!!!!)

      We need to put a stop to this man from manipulating our new brothers and sisters. We need to warn others. There have also been other people who have fallen into the same pit as my friend did. I don’t know who they are personally but if I get in contact with them I’ll be sure to notify you.

      Brother Edip you have much broader reach than I have so I ask you to please investigate my claims first(since this will be more righteous) and let us put an end to this mad man’s operation of manipulating the newcomers into this deen


      Kevin D.Cooper (KDC501 from the free-minds forum)
      21 minutes ago ·  · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh It was clearly a threat and we have even been physically ATTACKED for our beliefs....so no you may not know who we are.
      21 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • MrsQvh Qvh Go for it...do your investigation
      20 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • MrsQvh Qvh you will find that you are spreading rumors.
      20 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • Edip Yuksel My wheraabouts is clear. I do not hide my idendity. As for physical attacks, perhaps I am more at risk then you are.. I have survived several asssasination attepts. So...
      20 minutes ago · 
      20 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith edip.. so does that give you a right to THREATEN ME?>????
      20 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel Shame on you.
      20 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel It was no threat.
      20 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh Yeah cause you are in a country with real law enforcement. You published and believe it....are you a cop? Then hand it over to police.
      19 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • QuranVs Hadith you threated me...... and you want me to keep it QUIET???? your true REALITY is VERY VISIBLE from your EMAIL to me
      19 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel But, you took it that way, with potato chips on your shoulder.
      19 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh It was a threat you said to giv the info OR you would investigate AGAINST him.
      19 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh that is a threat
      19 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith there is no CHIP on my SHOULDER... its JUST YOUR REVOLTING .. AND THREATENING ATTITUDE in your EMAIL
      18 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel Yes, it is threat, since there is no reason for my contact to keep his id secret, especiallyy when there is an allegation of fraud against him by another contact whom I know his id.
      18 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh You could have worded it much nicer....you purposelychose to word it as if you are an authority and he needed to give this info or you would pursue investigation AGAINST him...you did not say you would investigate the allegations to see if it is true or not....
      17 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith so.. a MUSLIM.. would have come POLITELY and said.. BROTHER THIS IS WHAT I have HEARD.. what is YOUR SIDE of the STORY...
      17 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith instead of >... GIVE ME YOUR INFO.. or I WILL GET YOU INVESTIGATED
      17 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith maybe you need to COME DOWN from your EGOISTIC HIGH HORSE and START ACTING LIKE A MUSLIM
      17 minutes ago · 
      16 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • QuranVs Hadith who ever the HELL YOU ARE
      16 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • Edip Yuksel Stop nonsenses. I received a specific allegation against A MUSLUM WHO HIDES HIS NAME from a MUSLIM WHO DOES NOT. So, I acted accordingly. That is simple.
      16 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh So in your mind what? everyone online it to give their id and info to the world even under threat of death.
      16 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • Edip Yuksel Okay. You are right. I hurt your ego with that PRIVATE message!
      15 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh Go do your investigation
      15 minutes ago ·  ·  1
    • Edip Yuksel What should I do now?
      15 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith you go do your FRIGGING INVESTIGATION...or YOU APOLOGIZE for your ARROGANCE right here.
      15 minutes ago · 
    • Onyeka Nwoke Wow what is this??? drama night on ICRQS...
      14 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith and GIVE ME DETAILS of WHO SLANDERED my name?????
      14 minutes ago · 
    • Jared Smith I think the wording of the initial message was presumptuous, and included an (in this situation) unreasonable demand.
      14 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel Go deal with the accusers. Peace.
      14 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith onyeka.. this EDIP YUKSEL guy send me and EMAIL threatening me
      13 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel Threat for what? Your id is threat?
      13 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith what proof has this PERSON GIVEN YOU??? that you are believing HIM????
      13 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh What proof has this person brought other than his words? That you would believe?
      13 minutes ago · 
    • Jared Smith as in Yuksel would apparently not have conducted an investigation if QVSH has given his name, but this contradicts the fact that he obviously already thought QVSH was false..
      12 minutes ago · 
    • MrsQvh Qvh You think me personally have been beaten by hadithers TWICE....is not a threat to us???
      12 minutes ago · 
    • Jared Smith so it made no sense. an apology and an explanation is the appropriate response
      12 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel You are not thinking properly. If there is allegation from someone who does NOT HIDE his name against someone who DOES HIDE, then it is imperative to know about the one who is hiding his ID.
      12 minutes ago · 
    • Edip Yuksel There is nothing to apologize Jared. In fact this ???? guy needs to apologize for sharing a private question with the words like HELL with you...
      10 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith that was NOT a PRIVATE QUESTION that was a THREAT by YOU.... who the HELL do you think YOU ARE????? THE BOSS OF ME????
      8 minutes ago · 
    • Jared Smith well it was unreasonable to ask for his name, as if that was enough to quell the suspicions that drove you to send the message in the first place.
      8 minutes ago · 
      8 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith THIS MESSAGE YOU SENT ME is A THREAT Edip Yuksel
      Dear QuranVs Hadith, Please send me an email with your real identity. Otherwise, I willl start an investigation against you. Peace. Edip Yuksel... as if YOU ARE JUDGE JURY and EXECUTIONER.. and I NEED TO ANSWER TO YOU
      7 minutes ago · 
    • Jared Smith it is a rock and a hard place
      6 minutes ago · 
    • Jared Smith so it is in net result a hostile thing, which is why QVSH would ask "who/why/what the Hell..."
      5 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith i have figured out what this is ALL ABOUT... this is ABOUT my TRIBUTE to MUSLIMS who rejected QURAN ALONE.... i left out RASHAD KHALIFA from that LIST.... and a couple of says ago.. someone MESSAGED ME as to why I LEFT OUT RASHAD KHALIFA.... and I TOLD HIM what I FELT about RASHAD KHALIFA.. that he took out VERSES of the QURAN to prove his point and then declared himself a MESSENGER.. and he is nothing more to me than QADIAN.. and BUKAHRI
      4 minutes ago · 
    • QuranVs Hadith so I am ASSUMING.. this NEW GUY in ICRQS went and said this to this COOPER FELLOW...and NOW THIS EDIP YUKSEL is working on this SLANDER.... and THREATENING ME
      2 minutes ago ·