Wednesday, January 4, 2012

QuranVsHadith Video Index

AH-01-Ayesha was NOT 9! ..Reason why Hadith Lovers keep insisting she was 9
AH-02-Hadith Books - The Biggest Conspiracy against Islam
AH-03-Hadith lovers Number Justification
AH-04-Scholars of Hadith exposed (Cult of Bukhari)
AH-05 The Isnad Myth of hadith followers (Total Lies of Bukhari et. al)
AH-06 Obeying the Prophet is REQUIRED.. but Hadith are NOT his Words/Actions
AH-07  History of Hadith
AH-08 Tribute to Quran Alone Muslims ..Past and Present
AH-09 What does the Word Hypocrite Mean
AQ-01 Ahl_Al-Quran_(Quranists) 1/3 - A true Scholar of Islam
AQ-02 Ahl Al-Quran_(Quranists) 2/3 - A true Scholar of Islam
AQ-03 Ahl Al-Quran (Quranists) 3/3 - A true Scholar of Islam
AQ-04 Dr. Shabbir.. Declare Jihan on the Hadither Mullahs
DA-01-Fatwa: Smileys Haram According to Hadithers - Walter "Dumbass" Awards
DA-02 Hadither Mullah Declares war on Vegetables
HE-01 The Quran Defective or Hadith Lovers Defective - You decide
HE-02 Turncoat Hadith Follower Mullah! Hadith are useless - Very FUNNY!!
HE-03 - Scientific Evaluation of Hadith Lovers IQ Levels - Summary.. A MUST WATCH
HE-04 - Hadihter IQ Levels 2
HE-05 - Sects are not allowed in ISLAM!!
HE-07 Turn coat Hadither Says.. Hadith are useless garbage
HG-01 Hadith Gems 1/5000 (Mohammad Tortured .. Sahih Hadith)
HG-02 Hadith Gems 2/5000 (Breast feeding Adult men is allowed.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-03 Hadith Gem 3/5000 (Mohammad with a Bloodlust.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-04 Hadith Gem 4/5000 (Allah could not make up his mind.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-05 Hadith Gems 5/5000 (Monkey Stoning each other.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-06 Hadith Gems 6/5000 (12 year pregnancy is possible.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-07 Hadith Gems 7/5000 (Bukhari insults not 1 but 2 Prophets..Sahih Hadith)
HG-08 Hadith Gems 8/5000 (Bukhari Bad Math Skills.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-09 Hadith Gems 9/5000 (drink urine..its good for you!.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-10 Hadith gems 10/5000 (stones running and Moses chasing them.. Sahih Hadith)
HG-11 Hadith Gems 11/5000 (Incorrect dates by Hurairah..Sahih Hadith)
HG-12 Hadith Gems 12/5000 (Surah Hijab missing from the Quran but listed in Hadith..Sahih Hadith)
HG-13 Hadith Gems 013/5000 (Hijab Surat was due to Omars wishes..Sahih Hadith)
HG-14 Hadith gems 14/5000 (women split in 4 parts..Sahih Hadith)
HG-15 Hadith Gems 15/5000 (Companion of the Prophet didnt know that Cow Dung was Dirty..Sahih   Hadith)
HG-16 Hadith Gems 16/5000 (women = Dogs, Donkeys) SAHIH HADITH
HG-17 Hadith Gems 17/5000 (Degrading women) SAHIH HADITH
HG-18 Hadith Gems 18/5000 (Women, Children, Neighbors are a Disease) SAHIH HADITH
HG-19 Hadith Gems 19/5000 (bathing together) Sahih Hadith
HG-20 Hadith gems 20/5000 (let your children die..get into heaven) Sahih Hadith
HG-21 Hadith Gems 21/5000 (The Prophet Disobeying the Quran) Sahih Hadith
HG-22 Hadith Gems 22/5000 (UFO Sightings) Sahih Hadith
HG-23 Hadith Gems 23/5000 (String Theory- Sahih Hadith)
HH-01 -  HaditherVS Hadither Mohammad Alive or Dead
HiY-01 - How to perform Wadu for the Hadith lover in YOU!!
HiY-02 - Prayer According to the Quran.. for the HADITHER in YOU
HiY-03 - Prayer: For the Hadith Lover in You .. Answering the "How do you Pray rant"
HiY-04 - Zakat: Completely explained in the QURAN - (for the Hadith Lover in you)
HQ-01 - One Question for Hadith Followers
HQ-02 - One Simple Challenge to Hadith Lovers (Sahih Hadith)
HM-01 -How Hadith Lovers Modify the Quran 1 ...Shirk of Assumption
HM-02 -How Hadith Lovers Modify the Quran 2 .. Messenger = Mohammad
HM-03 -How Hadith Lovers Modify the Quran 3 .. Adding words to the QUARN
HM-04 -How Hadith Lovers Modify the Quran 4 - Shirk by Assumption
M1-01 - Mission Impossible: Finding "Music ban in Islam" in the QURAN
M1-02 - Mission Impossible: Finding "punishment in Grave" in the Quran
M1-03 - Mission Impossible: Finding "Cutting Hands off" in the Quran
M1-04 - Mission Impossible: Finding "Beat your wife" in the Quran
M1-05 - Mission Impossible: Finding "Circumcision" in the Quran
M1-06 - Mission Impossible: "Finding Stoning to death" in the Quran
NV-01 Nessrriinn.
NV-02 Hush by Nessrriinn
NV-03 I Know Better by Nessrriinn
NV-04 Islam pwns....srriinn.flv
NV-05 Mothers by...n.(Mirror)
NV-06 South Park by Nessrriinn
NV-07 Submit...or Die by Nessrriinn
NV-08 Nessrriinn
OH-01-Origin of Hadith:  Introduction (Part 1 of 21)
OH-02-Origin of Hadith:  Are Hdith: Divine? (Part 2 of 21)
OH-03-Origin of Hadith:  Not part of Islam (Part 3 of 21)
OH-04-Origin of Hadith:  History of Hdith: (Part 4 of 21)
OH-05-Origin of Hadith:  Who was Abu Hurairah - (Part 5 of 21)
OH-06-Origin of Hadith:  Bukharis corruption (Part 6 of 21)
OH-07-Origin of Hdith: -Slander of the Prophet - (Part 7 of 21)
OH-08-Origin of Hadith: Do Hadiths Explain Quran - (Part 8 of 21)
OH-09-Origin of Hadith: Chinese Whispers (Part 9 of 21)
OH-10-Origin of Hadith: Do Hadiths Teach Salat (Part 10 of 21)
OH-11-Origin of Hadith: the science of Hadith (Part 11 of 21)
OH-12-Origin of Hadith: Lies and Slander - (Part 12 of 21)
OH-13-Origin of Hadith: the Authentic Nonsense (1-4) (Part 13 of 21)
OH-14-Origin of Hadith: The authentic nonsense (2-4) (Part 14 of 21)
OH-15-Origin of Hadith: The authentic nonsense (3-4) (Part 15 of 21)
OH-16-Origin of Hadith: Tthe authentic nonsense (4-4) (Part 16 of 21)
OH-17-Origin of Hadith: Confessions of Imams - (Part 17 of 21)
OH-18-Origin of Hadith: Arguments of Polytheists (1-4) - (Part 18 of 21)
OH-19-Origin of Hadith: Arguments of Polytheists (2/4) (Part 19 of 21)
OH-20-Origin of Hadith: Arguments of Polytheists (3/4) - (Part 20 of 21)
OH-21-Origin of Hadith: Arguments of Polytheists (4/4) - (Part 21 of 21)
PVT 01 Love at First Lick Kitten loves to lick my Hubby
QA-01 How to Translate the Quran with Quran Alone
QA-03 how do You explain the Quran using Quran Alone
QA-04 How do You know how to get married according to Quran only
QA-05 how can you tell what the Quran Initials mean using the Quran only
QA-06 How much Jazia to charge with Quran Alone
QA-07 How do you eat using the Quran Alone
QA-08 How do you Fast using the Quran Alone
QA-09 How do you Wipe your butt using Quran Alone
QA-10 Can a Man look at a Naked Man.. From the Quran Alone
QA-11 How do we know which verse came first. using the Quran Alone
QA-12 How do we implement the Quran Using the Quran Alone
QA-13 Why Have I not heard of this Quran Alone concept Before
QA-14 How do you Prostrate using the Quran Alone
QA-15 Can I Prostrate in the Bathroom? - Tell me using the Quran Alone
QA-16 Can I Prostrate to a Dog-Grave - Tell me using the Quran Alone
QA-17 Can I wear lingerie when I prostrate - Tell me using the Quran Alone
QA-18 Why was the Quran sent via Prophet Mohammad.. If there was no need for Hadith
SL-01 - Sharia Laws Makes TOP 5 List ...AGAIN (in Abuse of women..that is)
SL-02 - Shes buried chest high - A MUST SEE - Drop the Evil of HADITH
SL-03 -Solution to the Problems faced by the ISLAMIC WORLD
SL-04 - Support the "blasphemy Law" worldwide (THE BLACK LAW)
SL-05 - True Face of Hadithers.. TOTAL Terrorism.. Stalking.. Threatening.. PLEASE WATCH
SL-05 Please Help Fight the Murders in Somalia with your Computer
SL-06 Please Help Fight the Murders in Somalia with your Computer
SL 07 Slander by Hadith followers
SL-08-Arabian - Revolution - Free Arabian Flag
SL-09-Help Stop ISLAM-Bashing by non-Muslims
SL-10 Sharia Law - Raping women is ok
SL-11 Pakistan - Disbad it or they will distroy you
SL-12 Appeal for Help from Humans againt the Evil of Hadith-ers
SL-13 Brothel Statistics in the "ISLAMIC" Republic of Pakistan
SL-14 Homosexuasl should be Killed..lets see what Hadithers are doing
SL-15 Music Is Haram.. lets see what Hadithers really do
UQ-02 -Reality of Hussein and Killing at Karbala.. Shia..Hussein.. Ali.. Historical FACTS
UQ-01  - who added the names of the Surahs